Organic from the start, sustainable for the future.

Salad Savor

Salad Savor

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Lettuce is rarely enough to carry a salad; it’s usually the other greens that take center stage, adding the kick and spice that are so important to a flavorful mouthful. That's where Salad Savor comes in. A lettuce-free mix chosen for flavor and texture, Salad Savor will be your go-to greens for their tangy taste, deep green color, and excellent nutrition. Combine baby leaves with baby lettuce for a delightful spring mix, eat alone in summer for pungent salads, or sauté full-grown plants in fall—or anytime!

Includes Argula, Baby Bok Choy, Red Streaks Mizuna, Tokyo Bekana, and Yukina Savoy. 

Art Pack (500 seeds)